I received and wound some new yarns in the past week. I've almost finished a new pair of short socks for Tom.
I'm currently knitting two different Euroflax Linen hand towels, too. The beautiful merino/alpaca combination in a gorgeous wine color will be something like a pull over or a pocket shawl. Can't decide. My real favorite is the Soctoberfest yarn from Scout. I received a new book at the library today, too. It is Arctic Lace and it will help me knit my lace scarf out of the skein of Qiviut I bought in Anchorage this past August. I can hardly wait.
I have started on the Qiviut and am very frustrated. I cannot seem to work the lace pattern without dropping stitches. I don't believe I'm actually dropping them, just not coming up with the same number each row. Somehow the number gets lower, so I think I'm forgetting a YO or something. I've put it away for a little while until I feel more like attacking it again.
I started a swatch of the wine colored merino/alpaca yarn and it's knitting up beautifully. I can hardly wait to decide what to make with it. Maybe even a simple cardigan. Who knows?
I absolutely must have something to knit in the evenings and am almost finished with the short socks, so I'm trying to get ready for something soft and easy to occupy me while watching tv. Some nights I get more time than others. When the tv is good for watching I can really get some good knitting done, but when my DH surfs the tv channels and drives me crazy, I can't knit. I have to read or play on the computer to occupy my mind more.

I'm including a picture of the latest finished socks. They are made from Opal Zwerger Yarn in Sept. 2006 (Farbe Partie75% Scherwolle 25% PolyamidKnit) from Learn to Knit Socks—Peri-Twinkle toes for the cuff (a cable stitch)Cast on 60 stitches using size 2.75 double point bamboo needles .
That's all for this post. ;-)