I have tried to change a few things on here and have made a few mistakes, but I'm learning each and every day. Maybe even more than once a day, I learn something about blogging with this blog.
This kitty is OK. He adopted us and before we had him neutered he lived outdoors, so we nicknamed him Outdoor Kitty. Well....we fell in love and officially adopted him, having him neutered and then allowing him indoors. He still loves to go outside, several times a day, but he is more than an outdoor animal, so we've changed it to OK. He knows he has a good thing, living with us, and he makes it very clear that he loves us, too. He sits in his own chair in the family room, along with sitting near the computer. Occasionally he deigns to have us pet him, but he's not a lap cat. In the room with us at all times, petting when he wants it, but no closer, most of the time.
That's it for now!
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