The rules: List 7 random things about yourself. Then, go and tag 7 other bloggers by making a comment on their Blog.Link them to your blog to get the rules.
1. I’ll be a first time grandmother this summer! If you’ve seen my blog, then you already know this, but I’m so excited, I think this is the most important random thing about me.
2. I love to read, but have so little time for it because I knit so much. Sometimes I feel ashamed at how little I’ve been reading lately.
3. My stash is overwhelming, but I love it! I’m sure I’ll never knit all of it before I die, but I’ll sure give it a good try.
4. I am physically lazy, most of the time. I workout at Curves(my daughter introduced me to them), though, and have been doing so for almost 4 years. I’ve lost 26 inches and between 40 and 45 pounds, so it has really been worthwhile. I manage to get there at least 4 times a week, except when we are traveling. I do take travel passes with me, but often can’t find the time. At least when we are on vacation I do a lot of walking, which does help make up for some of the lack of exercise.
5. My 25 year old son just got a wonderful new job. I’m so very proud of him and he will make someone a great catch. I just hope he remembers to bring me his new slacks soon, so I can hem them before he needs to start work. (short legs!)
6. My husband is retired and I am not! Sometimes I wish he would get a part-time job and others I am glad to have a great house husband. I do wish he would get the painting, etc. done inside our house, but maybe I can help him with some of my vacation. Whenever I retire, I think we will have a wonderful time together, but I like my librarian position (I got my MS in Information Science at the age of 56!) too much at this point and I’m not eligible for Social Security, yet.
7. I’m a very patriotic person. I cry when I hear patriotic songs, too, but I try to hide that most of the time. My son-in-law is in the Air National Guard, and my, brother, brother-in-law, father and grandfather were all in the Navy or Marines and gave a lot for our country. I wanted to do the same, but was female at the wrong time. I am too old now, so I support the military in other ways.
I tagged these blogs: Well..................I actually didn't tag anyone, because I think this list of 7 is getting old and almost everyone I know of has been tagged. So.................I'm the "it."