Thursday, September 25, 2008

D Day in our house

This is the "Hey, Teach" that I made for Helen and it looks really good after washing. I've given it to her and hope it will fit, but she didn't try it on before we left. It's a gorgeous color for her, so I'm really hopeful.

Today is "D" day. Departure for Tom and David to drive to the West Coast. I had a little weepiness, but didn't actually cry, so I'm proud of myself. I'm so proud of Tom and excited for him. I actually told him I'm a little envious, too. I loved my 5 1/2 years on San Francisco. I just wish I could go back. Visiting him will be fun, needless to say!

The other picture here is the "Helena" sweater I knit for Chrissy. I didn't get a picture of the hat I knit to match it, but it is a rolled edge, plain hat and I put a little flower on the top. Just loose petals to make it a little more girly. I've posted both of these sweaters on Ravelry, too, with all the details. I'm Susie. Just plain and simple, Susie. I guess I was early enough in joining Ravelry to get a simple name like that.

I really have my work cut out for myself here at home for the next week. Wish me luck getting all of Tom's stuff picked up and out of our living space. He really did make a mess. In spite of it all we love him tremendously!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Some work completed, no pics, yet

I finished Helen's sweater in a pretty lilac color and also Chrissy's fall sweater in a burnt orange called terra cotta. They both came out well, but I'm not happy with my binding off. One was too tight and as a result the other was too loose. Oh, well, they're wearable. I hope they fit.

I'll be seeing them this weekend, so we'll find out if they fit!!!

I hope to get pics taken tonight or tomorrow morning so I can post here soon. Maybe next week?

I'm going to try to start posting on my other blog, too. We'll see!!

I've been retired one week and have accomplished a lot. I've worked out 4 days this week. I've finished both sweaters. I've been to see Helen and Chrissy for 3 days. I've had a computer crash and bought a new one. I love this Toshiba laptop!!! My old harddrive is being checked for data retrieval, so cross your fingers for me. I've bought a GPS, as has my husband. We're liking them!! I've received a new knitting book from Amazon to read, but haven't, yet gotten to it. I've loaded many more titles I'd like to read in my Library Thing library. I've done tons of laundry, cooked more, ironed, watched lots of t.v., been out to eat with our son, played with my kitties, and tried to sleep in, but was unsuccessful. Still get up between 630 and 7am. I just wake up then!! Haven't been to the library, yet, but hope to soon. After all, there's a book on hold for me.


Thursday, September 11, 2008


This is a most memorable day in the life of the country I love, but also in my life. I am one of the most patriotic people I know, so I honor those lost 7 years ago with this flag of our country. This day is also my mother's birthday and she would be 93 years old today. Additionally, today is my last day at work in my third career of 13 years. I'm RETIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?
In January 1969 I went to work for United Airlines in San Francisco, California. I spent 13 1/2 wonderful years working for them and then stayed home with our two children for another 13 years, creating my cottage industry of English smocking. In 1995 I went to work for Pamunkey Regional Library and eventually returned to college to get my Master's degree in my 50's to become a professional librarian. This is the third 13 year career and it has been, by far, the most inspiring. It is the one job I've had where I've wanted to go to work every day. That says it in a nutshell. I will miss some of the people, but will see many of them when patronizing the library, so it won't be good-bye that I say tonight at the end of my shift. Just, "until we see each other, again." I will use the library continually and may eventually volunteer with the Friends. Who knows?
My plans are to travel, considerably, with my husband, who has been waiting 2 years for me to join him in retirement. Our first grandbaby is a year old and she lives a 4 hour drive away, so that road will get lots of use. As a matter of fact, we're on our way tomorrow for a long weekend.
I have loaded with books I want to read. I just hope I have time to actually read most of them. The list it really long!!!
My smocking, knitting and needlepoint are all travel-able, so they will benefit. I need to reduce my stash of all of these things anyway, so it won't be hard to find things to do. David and I love to try new recipes, so cooking will be high on our list.
Our son is moving this month to San Francisco (my old stomping grounds!) so there will be many trips to SFO in our future. We have a cruise to Canada and New England booked for the last week in October already. Can hardly wait!
This blog will improve and become more regular, WHEN I'm near a computer, at least!!
See you soon in blogland!