Here are a couple of warshrags I've made recently. I don't think I've posted them before and I haven't taken a lot of pics of my work lately. These were fun, needless to say. I also knitted a snowman in white and an airplane in medium blue, but they were both Christmas presents that I forgot to photograph, so they're gone from my stash! Anyway, I'm now knitting a white baby blanket and will hope to get a picture soon to upload. The Baby will be arriving in early August, so, of course, I'll be knitting a lot of baby things!!!
We're just staying home and I'm knitting this evening. Just a couple of old fogies acting old, but we seldom do anything extra on New Year's Eve. A toast at midnight and then probably to sleep. If you read this blog, have a wonderful 2007 and keep on knitting!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
We had a wonderful family Christmas with our daughter, son-in-law and son. We also had a DH's family Christmas party on Christmas eve and about 20 of us had a good time together. We did the meal, my DH and myself. Lots of work, but a great way to give a family gift to everyone, especially his mother who used to give these parties. We have missed other members of our families, but have spoken with most of them on the phone.
Our greatest gift this year was when our daughter and son-in-law arrived on Friday night. They told us they are pregnant!!!! We are going to be grandparents for the first time and we can hardly believe it! They are due in early August 2007, so guess what my knitting and other sewing will become almost immediately??!! I've already pulled out some chenille for a baby blanket. It's acrylic and pure white and will make such a pretty blanket. Don't know where I'll go next with knitting, but I do English smocking, too. I know I'll be smocking and sewing for babies, boy and girl. I've offered to help with the nursery sewing, too. Tomorrow morning we're going out to buy her first maternity outfit before they go home on Wednesday. They live about 5 hours from here. We'll have to visit often to see the progress, for sure. Can you tell I'm excited!!??
Merry Christmas and thanks for reading my blog!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm so excited! I received a Christmas present yesterday that I bought for myself. I ordered from Knitpicks the kit including Kat Bordhi's Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles. The kit included two circular needles in size 1, the book and a skein of natural yarn. I would love to think I could dye the yarn, too, but I think I might just put it away for that possible project at a later date. I have plenty of good, lovely merino yarn with which to knit these socks. I also ordered in the package a pair of circular needles in size 2 and a "Sock It To Me" card. The card is just the sizing for all sizes of feet and will be a big help. I haven't done the circular socks up to now, so this is going to be a fun adventure. I've always knitted socks top-down, with double pointed needles. I'd love to try the toe-up with the circular's, so eventually I'll report here about my new adventure.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Well..................guess what?! I've been busy with Christmas preparations, so that my knitting and other crafts have suffered. My small, pathetic idea of knitted gifts has been to no avail. I have, however, enjoyed preparing for Christmas and the tree is done. The packages are wrapped! (Except for the few to arrive in the mail, yet!) The house is clean! I need to bake and prepare for the family party on Christmas eve. We're doing it all and have to carry it to Grandma's community room, but it should be fun, anyway.
We met David's great niece on Saturday and she's a real cutie. 6 months old and her name is Layla! If I can get some digital pictures I'll post them after the party on Sunday.
We met David's great niece on Saturday and she's a real cutie. 6 months old and her name is Layla! If I can get some digital pictures I'll post them after the party on Sunday.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Discloths done!
This is one of two dishcloths I finished and blocked today, to give to a friend for Christmas! It's a teapot, in case you can't figure it out and it's done in pale green (the color isn't the best today with my camera!) Peaches and Cream cotton yarn.
This is another Peaches and Cream dishcloth for my friend's Christmas gift. I love using the cloths as a practice for other stitches. This entrelac wasn't the easiest and I did have to rip out a few times, but I think I'm getting it, finally! ;-)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Another addition to my stash!
I purchased this in Destash's blog and I'm really looking forward to using it for a small decorative shawl for Spring. It's pink and blue silk tweed yarn and I have several skeins, so I can do something really fun with it! It will, however, have to wait for a few wintery things to be done first, along with some socks. I'm almost done with a few dishcloths for Christmas gifts and can hopefully get back to my socks and a shawl that are on the needles. I also have a beautiful sweater on the needles, but I think that one may not be finished until next winter. Who knows?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
More new yarns!
Here are the other two hand-dyed merino yarns I purchased on Ebay. I'm obviously into purples right now, but they are soooo pretty! I'm anxious to get back to my sock knitting, but I'm trying to make some dishcloths for Christmas presents right now. Hopefully I'll finish those soon and can finish the socks on the needles and start something new. I want the nice warm socks, too. I'm really feeling the cold this winter and it isn't even winter, yet! ;-)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
New yarns to play with!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Finished scarf
No pictures???
I can't figure out why there isn't a way to upload pictures on the blog today. I sure do hope this is temporary for blogger. It's frustrating. I checked last night, too and it was the same. I even took some pictures of a finished scarf for Tom and some of my newest yarns, pre-knitting. Actually, pre-winding, too! I really love the winding. Wish I could do it more often, but I'm afraid that's all I would do for a while if I had enough stash to just wind. Then I wouldn't get any knitting done! Oh, well, I'll have to wait to post pictures for a while, I guess.
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