We had a wonderful family Christmas with our daughter, son-in-law and son. We also had a DH's family Christmas party on Christmas eve and about 20 of us had a good time together. We did the meal, my DH and myself. Lots of work, but a great way to give a family gift to everyone, especially his mother who used to give these parties. We have missed other members of our families, but have spoken with most of them on the phone.
Our greatest gift this year was when our daughter and son-in-law arrived on Friday night. They told us they are pregnant!!!! We are going to be grandparents for the first time and we can hardly believe it! They are due in early August 2007, so guess what my knitting and other sewing will become almost immediately??!! I've already pulled out some chenille for a baby blanket. It's acrylic and pure white and will make such a pretty blanket. Don't know where I'll go next with knitting, but I do English smocking, too. I know I'll be smocking and sewing for babies, boy and girl. I've offered to help with the nursery sewing, too. Tomorrow morning we're going out to buy her first maternity outfit before they go home on Wednesday. They live about 5 hours from here. We'll have to visit often to see the progress, for sure. Can you tell I'm excited!!??
Merry Christmas and thanks for reading my blog!