This was the cake for the shower. We had a baby shower last Saturday and all the things I've bought, knitted, smocked and sewn were presented with a ton of other things. The party was lots of fun and my daughter received so very much that she really needed. It's hard to remember not having anything before she was born for caring for a baby. Wow! There's really a lot required!
She and her husband stayed to celebrate Father's Day with us Sunday morning and then after noon they headed home with a very, very full SUV. I know they appreciated all the wonderful family gifts. Everyone is so very excited about their daughter! Only 6 weeks to go! Can you tell I'm excited, too?????!!!!! Duh!
Our son's new job seems to be going well for him, too, and he came over for lunch with his dad on Sunday, too. He had joined us on Friday for dinner at home and then again on Saturday, with my sister and brother-in-law when we all 7 went out to dinner together. It was a wonderful weekend full of family which we all truly loved.
I'll post again, hopefully soon, but I'm to be in D.C. for the ALA conference this next weekend, so I won't get a posting up probably until next week.
OTN a pair of socks and a lace shawl. I'll post pictures soon.